Welcome to Queensland, the Sunshine State...but wait...where's the sun? I want a refund. If I had known we were coming to the Vancouver of Australia, I would have just gone to Vancouver.
Since the beginning of September, not a week goes by without rain, rain, and more rain. I'm undecided how I feel about it. It's good for a country that's normally dry and prone to fires. But, we flew halfway across the world for never ending sunshine, blue sky and loads of beach time.
September was the wettest month on record, and I'm sure after the last 5 days, October is sure to set a record as well. Brisbane has had over 250mm of rain in the past 2 days, which means...flooding. Everywhere. There are so many creeks that run all through Brisbane, and every one of them is swollen and overflowing. The creek just by our house has now taken from flowing underneath the road to over it. There are massive puddles (small lakes) everywhere. You can't escape the rain or water. Our apartment is so humid and our sheets feel damp. Today, my bus home was an hour late showing up because of all the flooding and road closures. At least my bus stop is covered.
The rain will come down in torrents and then suddenly stop just to start downpouring again 2 minutes later. The last couple of nights it has rained so hard, the sound on the roof wakes us up. I think it's time to buy a boat.
Tomorrow it's supposed to get a bit better, with only a shower or two. Then the sun should come out for a couple of days before the rain returns.
I know the sun will come back eventually, but I'm tired of all this rain. Plus, my $3 umbrella is at the end of its days.
I think now that we've set records for rainfall, we should set some records for heat and sunshine! Though, I'm sure if that happens, I'll be writing a blog post complaining about the heat. So, I guess we'll just take it in stride and maybe make ourselves some ponchos out of garbage bags.